NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls, and I have not yet included strats for all achievements/trophies.
Updated: 3/8/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*
Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Items: 33, including 3 health items, 5 chocolates, 3 treasure, stage door key, 2 ticket office keys, DESERT RANGER (and M-V9 SEMI-AUTOMATIC if not already obtained)
Cash: 160 euros
Kills: 11
Upgrades: Lower Body (see note)
IMPORTANT: This page covers Pierre's mission. If you agreed to help Bernard, follow this walkthrough instead. The in-game statistics screen lists 34 pickups for Pierre's path, 35 for Bernard's. In both cases, I am short one pickup. I don't know if this is a bug or if I've made a mistake. If you found an item I missed, please let me know. Pierre's route includes one additional chocolate bar. At this point, I don't know if missing it by working with Bernard affects the "Chocollection" achievement/trophy.
NOTES: The M-V9 SEMI-AUTOMATIC will be dropped by various guards if you don't already have it. Although one of the strength upgrades can only be had by entering this level through the garage entrance (i.e., with Bernard's key), you will not be penalized later in the game if you do Pierre's mission and miss that upgrade.
REAR ENTRANCE: If you enter the club using the BARTENDER'S KEY, you'll come in backstage. A brief cut scene reveals the layout of the area, including a security guard on patrol, and some goodies in his nearby office. (screenshots)
NOTE: The "Hit the Floor" achievement/trophy requires you to complete the next several encounters with stealth. So you may want to save here and read ahead to see what needs to be done.
From the starting point, the office with the guard is down the hallway to the left. There's a switch on the left wall of the corridor leading straight ahead, and a corner storeroom with two entrances between the office and the switch. Use the switch to turn off the lights in the office. Then run into the corner storage room and position Lara in the corner near the two filing cabinets. Wait for the security guard (1) to walk past the doorway and around the corner. After he passes the second doorway, go into stealth mode, sneak up behind him, and press Action to take him down. Get the M-V9 ammo (1) he drops. (screenshots)
Turn the lights back on if you want to. Then head for the office. Pick up a Desert Ranger clip (2) on the box to the left of the office door. Go through to the inner office and take everything off the desk: the DESERT RANGER (3), another clip (4) for it, the STAGE DOOR KEY (5), and a chocolate bar (6). (screenshots)
At this point, even if you're planning to use stealth, you may want to equip a weapon, just to familiarize yourself with the mechanics. (Open your Inventory, select Weapons, scroll to the one you want—here I'd recommend the M-V9, since you should have a fair amount of ammo by now—and return to the game. Press Draw Weapon to holster/draw that gun when you need it. Press Action to fire.) Note the way ammo is tracked at the top left. For example, if the counter reads "3/12," twelve is the number of rounds in the current clip. Three is the number of backup clips available. When Lara runs through the current clip, she'll automatically reload. (screenshot)
Follow the hallway back around the corner, past the switch, to the far end. Continue upstairs. (Maybe save again if things have gone well.) Then use the key you found in the office to open the STAGE DOOR. (screenshots)
MAIN ROOM/DANCE FLOOR: Enter cautiously. There are 2 security guards (2-3) on patrol. You can kill both with stealth, but this strategy is kind of hit-or-miss and depends on where they are in their rounds when you enter. If Lara is spotted, reload and try again. If they don't notice her immediately, enter stealth mode, move to the right, and crouch behind the speaker cabinet closest to the bar, so the guards can't see Lara. Wait for the two guards to separate. When the first guard's back is turned and the second guard (in the tactical vest) approaches the DJ booth, make sure Lara is in stealth-monkey pose, sneak up behind him, and press Action to subdue him quietly. For now, ignore the ammo he drops and sneak back to your hiding place behind the speaker. Wait for the first guard to turn away, then sneak up behind him and take him down. Of course, you can also just shoot both of them. Whatever floats your boat. Both guards drop M-V9 ammo (7-8) or the gun if you still don't have it. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you managed to kill the first two guards stealthily, you can save again and reload after unlocking the achievement/trophy, avoiding a little backtracking. If you don't care about achievements/trophies, skip the next paragraph.
If you want the achievement/trophy, do not use the switch in the DJ booth yet, since doing so turns on the hot disco beats, alerting more guards. Climb the stairs opposite the bar, follow the walkway around to the other side of the room, and push the movable speaker cabinet out onto the balcony. Climb on top of the speaker, step to the edge, and jump straight up to grab the metal truss above. Pull up and walk out along the truss toward the middle of the room. The perpendicular truss ahead collapses, and as long as Lara hasn't been spotted by any guards so far, the "Hit the Floor" achievement/trophy should unlock. Now, either reload your last save or climb back down to the floor the way you came. (screenshots)
There's more to do here, but first go through the left door of the two next to the bar. (The door on the right leads back where you came from.) Follow the hallway to the NIGHTCLUB STOREROOM. Pick up the vintage Cognac (9) on the floor near the switch. The switch doesn't work, and the dumbwaiter with the ammo inside is glitching, but you can climb down through the opening in the floor to find find M-V9 ammo (10) and a chocolate bar (11) sitting on a wooden crate. You can't open the trapdoor above, which leads to the garage. (This is where you would have come in if you were working for Bernard.) Return to the MAIN ROOM/DANCE FLOOR the way you came. (screenshots)
Go behind the bar. Use the switch to call the dumbwaiter and get the 2 boxes of V-Packer shells (12-13) inside. Pick up 2 chocolate bars (14-15) from the shelf behind the bar and a bottle of vintage Cognac (16) sitting on the bar itself. Go around to the right side of the DJ booth, where you'll find some health pills (17) on the floor. Pull up into the DJ booth and take the Antique Record (18) sitting near the turntable. (screenshots)
This next sequence can be a little tricky, so you might want to save the game first. Use the switch on the back wall of the DJ booth to turn on the lights and music. This attracts 2 more guards (4-5), who emerge one at a time from the TICKET OFFICE at the far end of the room. With good timing, you can kill the second guard before the office door closes, enabling you to get a few items sooner than you would otherwise. It may help to flip the switch then hold Draw Weapon to skip the cutscene. Turn left, run down the stairs, then turn left again. Move out into the room and take out the first guard. Don't stop to pick up the ammo he drops. As soon as he falls, the TICKET OFFICE door opens again, and the second guard emerges. Immediately run toward him and start firing. If you're fast, you can take him down before the door closes behind him. Both guards drop M-V9 ammo (19-20), and you'll find a TICKET OFFICE KEY (21) and €160 cash on the office floor. (screenshots)
NOTE: If you don't manage to kill the second guard in time, it's no problem. The items in the ticket office are not required, and you'll have another opportunity to get them later. This way is just more convenient.
CLIMBING TO THE TOP OF THE MAIN ROOM: Now climb the stairs opposite the bar, weapon ready. Another security guard (6) comes through the door at the top. This is a good opportunity to unlock the "Coup de GrĂ¢ce" achievement/trophy: Shoot him once or twice, then holster your gun and finish him with melee attacks. (Stand close and tap Action once to punch, twice for one-two punch, or press firmly to kick.) If you don't manage it here, you'll have many more opportunities with other guards. (screenshots)
The door the last guard came through doesn't open, so turn around and head forward along the walkway, with the wall of windows on Lara's right. Before you reach the end of the railing, roll, run back the way you came, and shoot another guard (7), who emerges from the same office as the previous guard. Both men drop M-V9 ammo (22-23). (screenshots)
Follow the walkway around the perimeter of the room in either direction. The stairs leading up to the next level are blocked, so if you haven't already done so, push the movable speaker cabinet out onto the balcony. Before climbing up onto the cabinet, wait a moment for another guard (8) to come out of the TICKET OFFICE. Shoot him from above. Then run down and get the M-V9 ammo (24) he drops. (screenshots)
NOTE: This enemy can be a little glitchy. If he doesn't appear now, he will probably emerge later as you explore.
Return to the speaker cabinet, climb on top of it, step to the edge, and jump straight up to grab the metal truss above. Pull up. Walk out along the truss toward the middle of the room. If you didn't already do this for the achievement/trophy, the perpendicular truss ahead collapses. As long as you approach slowly and wait for it to fall, there's no danger. Walk out to the end of the truss, then jump forward to grab the edge of the walkway near the the large health pack. (If you missed the strength upgrade in the INDUSTRIAL ROOFTOPS level, you'll need to do a running jump and grab to make it across.) Pull up, but don't stop for the pickup yet. Immediately run to the right and shoot another rent-a-cop (9), who emerges from the corner office. Roll, run back the way you came, and kill his buddy (10), who approaches from the other direction. In addition to the large health pack (25), both men leave M-V9 ammo (26-27), and there are bandages (28) on the floor near the door where the first guard came out. (screenshots)
Move to the break in the railing near the lighting rig that's moving up and down. Walk to the edge. Then, when the lighting rig reaches its lowest point, jump forward and grab onto it. Pull up, then activate walk mode to keep Lara from falling off as she maneuvers on the narrow struts. Jump forward with Action. Lara will either land on her feet or grab the opposite side of the rig, so you'll then need to pull up, but if you don't grab, she'll overshoot the strut and fall to her death. Walk to the far left corner, grab onto the vertical strut, and climb around to the right then up to the top of the structure. (screenshots)
NOTE: You can take a small shortcut here, missing one pickup, which you can then get later if you like. See the footnote for details.
Once Lara is on top of the lighting rig, walk carefully to the middle of the triangular corner ledge. Face the diagonally opposite corner of the rig, jump forward, and grab the other corner ledge. Pull up. Turn so the catwalk with the raised drawbridge is on Lara's left. Walk to the edge nearest the walkway with the ladder. When the rig moves to its highest position, jump down onto that ledge. (screenshots)
Climb the ladder or just pull up onto the ledge above. Approach the ramp on the other side of this ledge, turn around, and slide down facing uphill. Press Action as you slide so Lara grabs the edge. Traverse around the corner to the right and pull up onto the ledge with the Desert Ranger clip (29). To get down, hang from the right edge and drop onto the upper-level walkway. (Or, after picking up the ammo, crawl to the left, where the ledge has collapsed, and press Forward to somersault to the floor below, losing a little health in the process.) You're now back on the upper-level walkway overlooking the dance floor. Return to the gap in the railing, jump onto the moving lighting rig, and climb on top of it, as you did before. (screenshots)
NOTE: Again, you can use the same tricky jump described in the footnote to bypass the longer climbing sequence described in the next paragraph.
Back on top of the moving lighting rig, jump and grab the opposite corner; pull up. Then wait for the rig to rise and jump over to the ledge near the ladder, just as you did before. Climb the ladder or just pull up onto the ledge above. This time, cross the ledge, slide down the ramp facing forward, and jump near the end of the slope to land on the corner ledge. Turn left, jump across the gap, and walk to the end of the broken ledge. Jump forward and grab the horizontal strut ahead. A pipe running above the strut prevents Lara from pulling up right away, so traverse to the left until she can. Turn left, walk forward to the edge, and jump down onto the ledge near the LIGHTING BOOTH door. (screenshots)
Lara can't open the LIGHTING BOOTH door yet. So approach the raised drawbridge and press Action to kick it down and get a lower-body strength upgrade. A cut scene shows a second lighting rig, which isn't moving, and draws your attention to the wooden cabinet at one corner of this rig. After the upgrade, Lara can kick down the locked door and go inside. (screenshots)
LIGHTING BOOTH: Pick up the TICKET OFFICE KEY (30) from the floor of the booth. The TRINKET BOX Lara needs is inside the one broken light (i.e., the light-colored one that's sparking intermittently). In order to get it, you must use the levers on the control board to manipulate the lights. The left lever rotates the array of lights. Each time you use it, you'll see a brief cut scene showing what happens. Use the left lever twice to move the broken light to the bottom-center. Then use the right lever once to slide the broken light into the wooden cabinet. (screenshots)
NOTE: Lara can't use the switch on the lighting booth wall, only the levers on the control board. If you accidentally position the lights incorrectly, it's fixable. Once you've used the right lever to move one of the lights into the wooden cabinet, the left lever is temporarily disabled. To rotate the lights again, you must first use the right lever so there is no light in the wooden cabinet. Then use the left lever again to rotate the lights until the tan one with the sparks is closest to the cabinet. Use the right lever once more to move the broken light into the cabinet. If the cut scenes aren't helping, you can go out onto the walkway for a better look, or use Photo Mode (F3 on keyboard, Left + Right stick buttons simultaneously on controller) to examine the lights.
Exit the booth and go across the drawbridge. Climb the ladder or just pull up onto the ledge above. Reach into the wooden cabinet (Action) to get the TRINKET BOX (31). (screenshots)
In the remaster, unlike the original game, when Lara takes the box, a guard (11) enters the lighting booth and raises the drawbridge. To get to him, retrace the route you took earlier: Slide down the ramp and jump onto the corner ledge. Turn left, jump across the gap, and walk to the end of the broken ledge. Jump and grab the support strut, traverse left until you can pull up. Turn left, walk forward to the edge, and jump down next to the LIGHTING BOOTH door. Go in, shoot or pummel the guard, and take the M-V9 clip (32) he drops. If you lose a little health in this encounter, don't bother healing, since Lara's health will be restored when you change levels. (screenshots)
Once you have the trinket box, you can FINISH THE LEVEL by exiting through the other door in the lighting booth. Or, if you want all pickups, climb down the ladder to find a chocolate bar (33) in the room below. (Mmmm...floor candy.) (screenshots)
IMPORTANT: When you leave the night club, you cannot return. So make sure you have everything. As of this writing, I have only been able to get 34/35 listed pickups for this level. I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if it's a bug. I apologize and hope to have a strategy for 100% soon.
If you're done here, climb back up the ladder into the LIGHTING BOOTH. Skip down to "EXITING THE CLUB," below.
If you missed any pickups, including the items in the TICKET OFFICE on the ground floor, you can backtrack now. Exit through the door near where you picked up the last chocolate bar. (screenshot) You emerge on the upper-level walkway of the main room. The door closes and locks behind you. The stairs ahead are blocked, so follow the walkway all the way around to the other side. Jump from the first break in the railing to the jutting support strut. Cross the strut and drop down near the movable speaker cabinet. (screenshot) Continue downstairs and use the TICKET OFFICE KEY you found in the LIGHTING BOOTH to unlock the TICKET OFFICE door. (screenshot) Inside you'll find €160 cash and another TICKET OFFICE KEY. (22) (Both of these pickups are noted above.) You don't really need this second key. Perhaps it was originally intended to open something, but it doesn't seem to have a purpose now. When you have everything, climb back up to the LIGHTING BOOTH the way you did before. (See above if necessary.)
NOTE: If you didn't kill them earlier, there may be another security guard or two down on the dance floor. Like the others, they drop M-V9 ammo. These enemies and pickups are mentioned and counted above.
EXITING THE CLUB: Exit through the the door opposite the control panel in the LIGHTING BOOTH to emerge outdoors. Pick up the walkthrough near the end of the PARISIAN GHETTO, with the section "ONCE YOU HAVE THE TRINKET BOX."
†UPDATE HISTORY: Updates made prior to the Tomb Raider IV-V-VI Remastered release, including credit for tips sent in by other players, are tracked in the archived classic guide.
2/20/25 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
3/8/25 - Remastered guide posted. This update includes separate walkthrough pages for Bernard's and Pierre's errands.
*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level.
SHORTCUT FROM MOVING RIG TO LIGHTING BOOTH: The following jump is a little tricky, so you might want to save the game first and/or use the regular route described in the main walkthrough. Instead of jumping across to the opposite corner of the lighting rig, position Lara about halfway along the edge of the moving rig nearest the glassed-in LIGHTING BOOTH. Turn so she faces the left corner of the lighting booth, wait until the rig moves all the way up, then side flip to the right to clear the fence and land just outside the lighting booth door. (screenshots) Positioning is key here. If Lara is too far to the right before jumping, she'll overshoot the walkway. If she's too far to the left, or not angled correctly, she'll hit the fence. After making the jump, continue by kicking down the drawbridge for the strength upgrade.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). I am eternally grateful to the members of the newsgroup, whose contributions to this walkthrough are numerous. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.