After entering the club through the side entrance, using the BARTENDER'S KEY, as described in the Parisian Ghetto walkthrough, Lara finds herself backstage.
A brief cut scene reveals the layout of the area, including a security guard on patrol, and some goodies in his nearby office.
NOTE: The "Hit the Floor" achievement/trophy requires you to complete the next several encounters with stealth. So you may want to save here and read ahead to see what needs to be done.
From the starting point, the office with the guard is down the hallway to the left. There's a switch on the left wall of the corridor leading straight ahead, and a corner storeroom with two entrances between the office and the switch. Use the switch to turn off the lights in the office.
Then run into the corner storage room and position Lara in the corner near the two filing cabinets.
Wait for the security guard (1) to walk past the doorway below the yellow security light, around the corner, then past the other doorway. If you like, you can move into the corner between the doorways once he passes the first one, but this isn't necessary.
After he passes the second doorway, go into stealth mode...
...sneak up behind him...
...and press Action to take him down. Get the M-V9 ammo (1) he drops.
Turn the lights back on if you want to. Then head for the office. Pick up a Desert Ranger clip (2) on the stack of boxes box to the right of the office door.
Go through to the inner office and take everything off the desk: the DESERT RANGER (3), another clip (4) for it, the STAGE DOOR KEY (5), and a chocolate bar (6).
At this point, even if you're planning to use stealth, you may want to equip a weapon, just to familiarize yourself with the mechanics. (Open your Inventory, select Weapons, scroll to the one you want—here I'd recommend the M-V9, since you should have a fair amount of ammo by now—and return to the game. Press Draw Weapon to holster/draw that gun when you need it. Press Action to fire.) Note the way ammo is tracked at the top left. For example, if the counter reads "3/12," twelve is the number of rounds in the current clip. Three is the number of backup clips available. When Lara runs through the current clip, she'll automatically reload.
Follow the hallway back around the corner, past the switch, to the far end. Continue upstairs.
(Maybe save again if things have gone well.) Then use the key you found in the office to open the STAGE DOOR.
DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like or your browser's web store.)
Walkthrough text and diagrams copyright © Stellalune (email ). Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission.