Serpent Rouge - Climbing up to the Lighting Rig (Pierre)

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Now climb the stairs opposite the bar, weapon ready.

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Another security guard (6) comes through the door at the top. This is a good opportunity to unlock the "Coup de GrĂ¢ce" achievement/trophy: Shoot him once or twice, then holster your gun...

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...and finish him with melee attacks. (Stand close and tap Action once to punch, twice for one-two punch, or press firmly to kick.) If you don't manage it here, you'll have many more opportunities with other guards.

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The door he came through doesn't open, so turn around and head forward along the walkway, with the wall of windows on Lara's right. Before you reach the end of the railing, roll, run back the way you came...

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..and shoot another guard (7), who emerges from the same office as the previous guard.

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Both guards drop M-V9 ammo (22-23).

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Follow the walkway around the perimeter of the room in either direction.

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The stairs leading up to the next level are blocked. So if you haven't already done so, push the movable speaker cabinet out onto the balcony.

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Before climbing up onto the cabinet, wait a moment for another guard (8) to come out of the TICKET OFFICE. Shoot him from above.

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Then run down and get the M-V9 ammo (24) he drops.

NOTE: This enemy can be a little glitchy. If he doesn't appear now, he will probably emerge later as you explore.

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Return to the speaker cabinet, climb on top of it, step to the edge, and jump straight up to grab the metal truss above. Pull up.

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Walk out along the truss toward the middle of the room.

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If you didn't already do this for the achievement/trophy, the perpendicular truss ahead collapses. As long as you approach slowly and wait for it to fall, there's no danger.

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Walk out to the end of the truss, then jump forward to grab the edge of the walkway near the the large health pack. (If you missed the strength upgrade in the INDUSTRIAL ROOFTOPS level, you'll need to do a running jump and grab to make it across.) Pull up, but don't stop for the pickup yet.

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Immediately run to the right and shoot another rent-a-cop (9), who emerges from the corner office.

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Roll, run back the way you came, and kill his buddy (10), who approaches from the other direction.

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In addition to the large health pack (25), both men leave M-V9 ammo (26-27), and there are bandages (28) on the floor near the door where the first guard came out.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)