This section shows the alternate path from the green electrical box to the vertical metal duct. If you have used the shortcut shown on the previous page, you can skip this section and go right to part 3.
 Turn to face the two vertical pipes on the shorter wall ahead. The steam escaping from these pipes will injure Lara, so try to minimize her exposure. Wait until the steam stops venting from the first pipe and take a running jump to grab it. Climb up as far as you can, move the camera to the left so it point at the first vertical pipe and the second pipe is directly ahead beyond the first. When the steam escaping from the second pipe subsides, jump forward to grab it. Climb as high as you can, keeping the camera behind Lara, and then jump back to grab the small square platform above the first pipe. Quickly pull up before the steam from the first pipe burns her.
 Be careful as you maneuver around the small platform. The camera is hard to control and it's easy to step off the edge by mistake. Point the camera out across the pit and watch the rotating piece of machinery ahead. When it turns so the flat side is facing Lara, jump and grab onto the right side of it.
 As it turns, move to the right side and lean out by pressing the Right button or right on the control stick. When the flat edge that Lara is hanging from points toward the silver bin mounted on the wall, jump to grab the edge. The bin immediately starts to tilt forward, so quickly climb to the right (tap Interact to climb faster). . .
 . . . and jump to grab the edge of the next bin. It also starts to tilt, so again climb quickly to the right end. Before the bin can tilt downward, jump back to grab the bottom edge of the big, metal duct on the wall behind you. If either bin tilts too far downward, you'll have to drop to the floor, climb back up on the green box and try the whole sequence again.
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