Industrial Rooftops - Back Alley to Level Exit

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Remastered screenshot
After climbing up inside the WAREHOUSE, as shown in the previous section, Lara emerges on a tiny ledge overlooking a back alley. (The second guard dog (2) lurks below if you didn't kill it earlier.) Jump across the gap onto the fire escape. Go down one flight and get some Antique Doubloons (12).

Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness Remastered screenshot
Then climb to the top of the fire escape. Enter the building.

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Climb another ladder...

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...and exit onto the roof.

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Go around the back of the small shed to find more Antique Doubloons (13).

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You don't have to do this last part, but if you want every pickup, move to the edge of the building nearest the hovering helicopter. (It's not shooting at you now, so take your time.) At the break in the fence, step up onto the edge, then jump across the gap between the buildings into the V-shaped depression on the next rooftop.

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Run forward to find some health pills (14) at the end of the walkway.

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Turn around and head back the way you came, but instead of jumping across the gap between the buildings, climb the short ladder.

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Walk forward to the edge. Then jump from the higher roof down onto the building where you found the Doubloons earlier. Move past the little shed and approach the far edge of the roof to end the level.

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DARK MODE: I plan to add optional dark mode for these pages, but my current priority is updating the walkthroughs. Meanwhile, may I suggest a reputable dark mode browser extension, such as Dark Reader? (Download only from trusted sites, like darkreader.org or your browser's web store.)