NOTES ON THE REMASTER: At this point I can't guarantee 100% accuracy for this guide. Updates are in progress but will take time. Levels that have been worked on will say "Remastered," rather than "Classic," in the title. In the meantime, I have attempted to provide a running count of all kills and pickups, including totals for health packs, chocolates, sellable items, and cash, as well as notebook entries, which are needed for some achievements/trophies. If I've missed any, I do apologize. Please let me know if you discover anything not mentioned here. Also, in case it's not obvious, these guides are based on classic tank controls.
Updated: 2/20/25(†)
LEVEL MAP by VGCartography (used with permission)*
Angel of Darkness Remastered Video Walkthrough by Eldincy
Items: 13, including 1 health item, wad of passports, Rennes' wallet, explosives, 2 maps, DART SS and K2 IMPACTOR
Kills: 4? (this count may not be accurate)
Upgrades: none
Notebook Entries: 1
NOTE: There are 9 additional pickups in the ABANDONED METRO TUNNELS, which are not counted here. These tunnels are technically part of Bouchard's Hideout but are reached through the manholes in the streets of the Parisian Ghetto. They are covered at the end of the Serpent Rouge walkthrough for logistical reasons: One of the manholes is just outside the Serpent Rouge exit, and you'll need the strength upgrade obtained inside the nightclub to open one of the doors in the tunnels.
TUNNELS: This is where you enter Bouchard's Hideout after pushing over the angel statue in St. Aicard's Graveyard and dropping into the crypt. You'll encounter several rats (3?) in these tunnels. Most don't bother Lara much, so unless you want all kills, save your ammo and just continue on your way. You begin in a tunnel that is blocked by a heap of rubble. Follow the tunnel in the other direction, past a door that doesn't open. Walk at the corner because the floor collapses just ahead. Drop down into the pit and climb out on the other side using the vine-covered wall. Use the pipe on the right wall to traverse across the second pit.
Alternatively, when the first section of floor collapses, drop down into the pit and crawl through the low, rat-infested tunnel to the second pit. At the far end, find a small rock for a boost so you can jump up to grab the ledge above. You'll need to turn Lara to the right to get the correct angle to grab the ledge above. Climb out and go on.
When you reach the third pit, the floor collapses. There's a crevice on the wall to the right, but it doesn't go all the way to the other side, so don't bother with it. Just drop into the nasty water, swim down under the obstacle and continue swimming to the far side of the pool. Lara can climb out using the vine-covered wall on the right. Climb all the way up to the crack in the wall. When you've climbed up as far as you can, Lara will change position so her legs are dangling and you can traverse to the left and drop onto the ledge.
Continue along the passage to a cave-in. Pull on the boulder to shift the pile of rubble. You still can't get through there, but it unblocks the passage on the other side. Open the grating on the right. Shoot this rat (4) because otherwise it will gnaw on Lara as she crawls through the opening. (Strange how Lara can subdue a big burly dude but won't step on a tiny rodent.) Pick up Vector ammo (1) in the next room. Go through the door, then another door to return to where you started. To the left is the same pile of rubble, only now you can get past it. Swim across the next pool and climb out (Action).
STORAGE CELLS: Enter a room with a bright light and some pipes. Exit through the hole in the wall to a storage area with barred cells and a few coffins. In the next room to the left you'll find a hideously deformed man squirming on a cot. Next to him is a small medipack (2). Exit through the other open door and go left. Open the metal door with the rivets. (You might want to save your game before going inside.)
BOUCHARD'S OFFICE: At last your hard work has paid off—an audience with the kingpin himself.
Dialogue - Louis Bouchard: When choosing the first dialogue option, go for polite ("Easy, Bouchard..."). If you tell him not to jerk you around, he gets angry and it's lights out for our heroine. He refuses to say what happened to Arnaud, the guy in the next room. He claims not to know Eckhardt or Von Croy, but if you tell him you lost your friend yesterday and are now wanted for his murder, he'll be more forthcoming. You can go either way for the other dialogue choices, but you'll get a bit more info if you choose "A front, obviously" and "Passports?" The upshot is that Von Croy wanted weapons, maps and information on an archaeological dig beneath the Louvre. When Lara asks for the same, Bouchard says he can't help but he proposes a deal. If you carry a bunch of Czech passports to the pawnbroker, Daniel Rennes, he will know you've come from Bouchard and will sell you the stuff you need.
After this conversation notebook is updated (28/53): "Deliver passports to Daniel Rennes, pawnbroker - Rue St. Mark and Cours la Seine," and you have a wad of passports (3) in your inventory. (Again, this page on Von Croy's Notebook attempts to list all entries.) Pull the lever in the corner to open one of the cell doors outside. Exit the office and search the cells. The first one on the left has Desert Ranger ammo (4) on the floor behind a coffin. The second cell has a Vector clip (5) and a movable box. Move the box directly in front of the open door and use it to jump up and grab the ledge above (as shown in this screenshot). Pull up. Use the lever there to open the exit in Bouchard's office. Return to the office and exit up the stairs.
You emerge in St. Aicard's Church. If you haven't been here already, see the section about it in the Parisian Ghetto walkthrough.
NOTE: After you complete Bouchard's Hideout and return to St. Aicard's Church and the Parisian Ghetto areas, all of the items respawn so you can pick them up again. You won't need things like the diamond rings, since you can no longer pawn them, and you probably already have enough euros, but the health and ammo will certainly be useful. These pickups include the items on the pillars in the church and all of the items in the Abandoned Metro Tunnels.
Leave the church through the front door, which is in the black-and-white tiled room just across from the door where you exited Bouchard's Hideout. Follow any of the streets or alleys leading downhill to the Cours la Seine. (If you like, take a detour down one of the manholes to pick up the duplicated items in the tunnels.) Then follow the Cours la Seine, past Janice, nearly to the end and you'll find Rennes' pawnshop on the right.
Cut scene: Lara encounters Eckhardt coming out of the shop, though she doesn't know him yet. She places the passports on the counter, yet somehow still manages to keep them after the cut scene finishes.
RENNES' PAWNSHOP: Go into the back room to find Daniel Rennes. A strange symbol is scrawled in blood on the floor near his body. Pick up Rennes' wallet (6) and examine it (go to Inventory, then Items, select the wallet and use it) to see a scrap of paper with a code: 14529. Use this code to open the door with the keypad at the back of the room. Inside is load of stuff intended for Von Croy: a map of the archaeological dig, a map of the sewers around the Louvre, two guns—the DART SS and K2 IMPACTOR—and ammo for both, plus some explosives (7-13). The last pickup will trigger sensors that arm the bomb in the next room, so take care how you collect the items.
I recommend making the explosives the last pickup. Before you take them, position Lara above them facing the button on the wall and save your game. Then if you flub the timed run, you can reload and try again. Pick up the explosives and quickly sidestep to the right twice before the cut scene starts. This shows the detonation countdown starting. When the cut scene finishes, you'll already be in position to press the button, which will save a little time.
TIMED RUN: Press the button to open the door. Run out and swerve to the right toward the trapdoor. As soon as you see the hand icon, press Action to open the trapdoor. Then jump forward into the hole, rather than safety dropping, which wastes time. (Alternatively, press Forward + Roll at the edge of the opening to somersault into hallway below.) Take running jumps down the hall to cover more distance. Then jump into the hole at the end of the hall. Immediately run to the left along the pipe to escape the billowing flames. Or, to get away from the flames faster, jump forward and then start running. (When Lara drops into the pipe and you lose control of the camera, try not to think about what you're seeing and just press Forward and Left to start Lara running in the right direction.)
Cut scene: Kurtis enjoys a smoke as he watches Lara explode from the burning building.
Second Cut Scene: Eckhardt addresses the Cabal. He informs his fellow bad guys that they are now in possession of three of the Obscura paintings. According to Eckhardt, Von Croy located the fourth in Paris. Once they have it, they will gather in Prague, obtain the fifth painting and awaken the Sleeper...whatever that means. He then calls in a hulking man named Gunderson and tells him to mobilize his team to get the fourth painting.
†UPDATE HISTORY: 7/26/03 - Section on escaping Rennes' Pawnshop updated. Thanks to Catherine for the tip.
1/16/07 - Added missed pickups in crypt and courtyard, as well as additional screenshots. Made a few minor changes for clarity.
2/11/07 - Added roll technique for escaping the bomb in the pawnshop, thanks to Rayne.
2/6/25 - Added running item and kill counts, as well as notebook entries, which hopefully will be useful in the upcoming Remaster.
2/20/25 - Added VGCartography's level maps, with permission. Visit VGCartography on DeviantArt and follow on Twitter/X and YouTube for more fantastic game maps.
*NOTE ON LEVEL MAPS: VGCartography's Angel of Darkness maps follow a slightly different level-naming convention than I do. You'll notice most of the Parisian Ghetto-adjacent areas on the same large map. Later, the elemental levels off the Hall of Seasons are included on the same map as the hub level.
WAS THIS WALKTHROUGH HELPFUL? If not, I apologize and invite you to contact me with any questions. If you need help right away, I recommend the r/TombRaider subreddit. Other fan-run forums are listed at If this site was useful, please consider supporting it financially or in other ways. For details, visit As always, I welcome your corrections/suggestions. Thank you!
Copyright © 2003- - Stellalune (). I am eternally grateful to the members of the newsgroup, whose contributions to this walkthrough are numerous. Special thanks to Catherine for the tip on escaping from Rennes' shop. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy.