Updated: 6/2/19(†)
This guide focuses on revisiting this level after you complete it. If you are playing through for the first time, follow the main walkthrough instead. That way you can retrieve the collectibles as you complete the trial. Collectibles are numbered in the order they appear in the main walkthrough and on the annotated level map.
Follow this link for a List of All Artifacts by Story/Dialect.
Document · Murals · Survival Cache
DOCUMENT 1 - A Proverb (A Community in Need)
The only document in the level is on the outside of the puzzle tower on the northeast side. If you've completed the trial but missed the document the first time, fast travel to the Trial of the Eagle Base Camp. Jump across the gap and climb up into the tower. Wait for one of the moving arms with a ladder to rotate around toward Lara, then jump to grab it. Pull up onto the beam but don't walk forward. Instead turn to face outward, ride the beam around, and jump down onto the east ledge. Outside, head down and around to the left to find the document.
To get back, return the way you came: Move into the tower, jump to grab one of the moving ladders as it sweeps past, climb up, turn around, and ride the beam back to the ledge near the entrance. Then return to the base camp and fast travel away. (Click screenshots to enlarge and see additional details.)
MURAL 1 - Crumbling (Exodus)
This mural is at the base of the puzzle tower on the southwest side. If you missed it, fast travel to the Trial of the Eagle Base Camp, jump across the gap to the walkway surrounding the tower, and head around to the right. The mural is tucked away in a corner here. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
MURAL 2 - Golden Days (Founding Paititi)
This mural is in room at the top of the puzzle tower. If you don't fancy climbing the tower again, you can instead fast travel to the Quipu Overlook Base Camp, on the western edge of the Hidden City. Then follow the tunnel to the west to get back to the Trial of the Eagle. The route is basically the reverse of the one described in the main walkthrough. The map detail here shows where to go. Continue through the caves until you emerge in the room at the top of the puzzle tower. The mural is on the left, opposite the entrance from the tower.
As far as I know, you can't get back to the Trial of the Eagle Base Camp from the top of the tower, so return to the Quipu Overlook camp the way you came, following the main walkthrough if necessary. Then fast travel away. (Click screenshot and map to enlarge.)
The only survival cache in this area is found next to mural #1, at the base of the puzzle tower on the southwest side. If you missed it, fast travel to the Trial of the Eagle Base Camp, jump across the gap to the walkway surrounding the tower, and head around to the right. The cache is buried just to the right of the mural. (Click screenshot to enlarge.)
†UPDATE HISTORY: 6/2/19 - Page first posted online.
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