Shadow of the Tomb Raider Quick Collectibles Guides

Updated: 10/31/21()

The goal of these QUICK GUIDES is to help you zero in on any collectibles or challenge items you may have missed during your first pass through each level. They are designed to be used in conjunction with the main walkthrough and annotated level maps (linked below and from the walkthrough pages). If you have not completed the story, beware: These quick guides contain spoilers.

This List of All Artifacts, List of Side Missions, and Guide to 100% Completion may also be helpful.

Cozumel: Collectibles & Challenges | Level Map

Peruvian Jungle: Collectibles | Challenges | Level Map

Croft Manor: Not replayable and not required for 100% completion. Covered in walkthrough.

Kuwaq Yaku: Collectibles | Challenges | Level Map

Trial of the Eagle: Collectibles | Level Map

Hidden City (Paititi): Treasure Chests | Relics | Documents | Murals | Monoliths | Survival Caches | Explorer Backpacks | Archivist Maps | Challenges | Level Map

Note: The walkthrough breaks Paititi into three separate sections: The Lower City (after Kuwaq Yaku and Trial of the Eagle), the Upper City (after the Cenote), and the Revisit (after Mission of San Juan). The Quick Guides include all items and challenges from all three sections.

Belly of the Serpent & Head of the Serpent: Mural | Level Map (see bottom of Hidden City map)

Cenote: Collectibles | Challenges | Level Map

Porvenir Oil Fields: Collectibles | Level Map

Mission of San Juan: Treasure Chest | Relics | Documents | Murals | Monolith | Survival Caches | Explorer Backpacks | Archivist Maps | Challenge | Level Map

City of the Serpent: Not replayable. The two artifacts are unlocked automatically during story progression. Covered in walkthrough.

In addition to the quick guides linked above, most levels in the main walkthrough include a section on 'Revisiting This Area Later in the Game' at the bottom of the page. If you're still having trouble finding anything, please feel free to contact me. I'm always happy to help.

Main SOTTR Page | Home Page

UPDATE HISTORY: 6/2/19 - Page first posted online with Cozumel, Peruvian Jungle, and Kuwaq Yaku guides.
9/8/21 - Finally back after a long break. Hidden City guides posted.
9/17/21 - Cenote guides posted.
9/23/21 - Porvenir Oil Fields guide posted.
10/31/21 - Mission of San Juan guides posted.

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