Sitting in the middle of the golden X is a large medi pack. Taking it opens the golden door in the far left corner of the hallway that runs around this room, releasing a sasquatch. If you've left the Inuit warriors alive, it will be difficult to target the oncoming sasquatch among your allies. Unfortunately they aren't interested in helping you kill it.
 So after taking the medi pack, hop back from the center square so the sniper in the cage above can't see Lara. Then watch the cage on the far left. When you see the sasquatch run through the golden door in the back left corner. . .
 . . . roll, run back to the entrance and climb into the hallway.
 Turn right, draw weapons and shoot the sasquatch as it comes around the corner. There's room to back up here if necessary.
 Once you've killed the sasquatch, move into the entrance to the X-path room and shoot the sniper in the cage above.
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