After retrieving the flares and small medi pack from the pits beside the river (as shown in Part 2), walk back down the rocky bank the way you came. The golden river will now be on Lara's right. When you come to the end of the path, above the jumble of rocks you climbed to get up here, jump onto the flat-topped block to the left. Then climb into the rocky alcove above.
 Roll and take a running jump. . .
 . . .to grab the next ledge, high above the river of gold. Pull up and cross this ledge.
 Then take another running jump to grab the next ledge. Again, pull up.
 Walk forward along the left cave wall. At the end of the ledge, turn left to face the wall.
 Hop back and grab the edge. Traverse to the right corner before dropping onto the block below. This block is a little higher on the right, so if you drop down there, Lara won't lose any health. Hop down into the pit on the right to get more flares.
 Turn so the golden river is on Lara's right and climb up out of the pit.
 Walk up the slope to the highest point and jump straight up to grab the ledge that juts out above; pull up.
 Cross to the far left corner and you'll see some shotgun shells concealed on a small square ledge. Grab them, turn around and return to the edge of the ledge overlooking the golden river.
[Part 2 | Part 4 | Return to the Furnace of the Gods Walkthrough]
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