Turn around to face out over the cavern. Step to the edge and jump straight up to grab the wooden ladder above. Climb to the top.
 At the top of the ladder, turn around and take a standing jump onto the ledge to the right of the hole you just climbed out of. There's another ladder on the wall there. Climb up.
 You're now on top of the volcano. Move straight forward and jump over the rivulet of molten gold. It's OK to step on the very edge of it, as Lara is doing in the screenshot above, but the block that is completely covered in gold is not safe.
 Ignore the pit on the right for now. Continue past it and turn right so Lara's back is toward the open cavern and the pit is ahead on her right.
 Hop back, slide down the slope and grab the edge. Then let go and drop onto the flat rock below.
 Turn around once more, so Lara is facing out toward the cavern, hop back and grab the edge of the hole behind her. Climb down the ladder and drop down next to SECRET #3, the gold skull.
 When you have the secret, climb back up the ladder to the flat block above.
 Turn right and take a running jump over two sloped blocks to land on the flat block beyond.
 Climb over the block on the right and slide down onto a flat ledge. Here you'll find another ladder, which you can climb to get back to the top of the volcano.
 Take a running jump across the big pit to grab the ladder on the inside of the pit. Climb down.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Furnace of the Gods Walkthrough]
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