From the ledge where you just killed the mercenary, hop down onto the long walkway above the pool of molten gold.
 Turn around and head toward the back entrance of the little square building on the left.
 Inside is a narrow hallway with some automatic pistol clips on the floor. Before picking them up, shoot the mercenary who comes around the corner ahead on the right. Then take the ammo and the Uzi clips he drops.
Go forward through the doorway where the mercenary entered. Turn right and walk to the corner of the ledge.
 Turn left and take a running jump across the golden pool to grab the edge of the walkway in front of the other small building.
 Pull up, immediately draw weapons, and take out a second mercenary who appears in the doorway in front of you. He drops M16 clips.
 Go through the square window on the right into the next small building.
 Pull the switch there to open the big double doors you passed earlier after climbing out of the ROOMS WITH RAMPS AND BOULDERS. Climb out through the window next to the switch. . .
 . . . and immediately turn right to take on a third mercenary who emerges from between the two buildings. If necessary, you can hop back up the stairs behind you as you fight. Afterward, relieve the merc of a small medi pack.
 Now head up the steps directly opposite the window of the switch room (not the wide, orange staircase with the pointed arch).
 At the top of the steps, vault up onto the low, gray stone ledge, turn right, and continue forward through the rocky cave.
 Just past the spot where you killed the first mercenary are the doors you just opened. Enter and pull the switch there to raise a barrier in the pool with the ice windows and flood the area with the buildings.
 Turn around and return to the now flooded ruins.
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