Turn so Lara's back is toward the bridge with the skeleton. Drop and hang off the edge of the block, but don't let go and drop down. Instead immediately pull up and ready weapons. Dangling above the bridge works just as well as stepping on it to trigger the appearance of 2 baddies with clubs. You can then shoot them as they approach.
 Try to take them out before they actually climb up onto the block where Lara is standing, since they can knock her off the edge.
 When they're dead, drop down onto the bridge and move to the other end. If you didn't already kill the guy with the shotgun on the high ledge do that now.
 Jump to grab the stone block to the right of the end of the bridge. Or take a running jump to the flat ledge below and to the right of that block. Then climb onto the block.
 Shoot 2 meddling crows that fly out of the darkness.
NOTE: If you don't care about getting all the kills, just avoid this block and the crows won't appear.
 Climb up to the cave where the guy with the shotgun was.
 Pick up automatic pistol clips and a small medi pack on the ground at the back of the cave.
[Part 1 | Part 3 | Return to the Fool's Gold Walkthrough]
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