Go to the top of the dark slope where the barrels came from. Drop down into the depression on the left.
 Use your remaining KEYCARD in the YELLOW STAR LOCK.
 This opens the nearby trapdoor and the big double doors in the barrel area.
 Turn around and drop into the water below the trapdoor. Swim to the left along a flooded passageway.
 When you emerge into a larger flooded room, turn right.
 In the alcoves along the right side of the room, you'll find flares, a small medi pack and 2 sets of Uzi clips. There's also an opening in the ceiling where you can surface and breathe. When you have all the goodies, climb out at the far end of the opening (i.e., the end nearest the second set of Uzi clips).
 Just ahead is a smaller water-filled opening in the floor.
 Drop in here and collect a pair of grenades and a large medi pack.
 Climb back out of the water through the same little opening. Face the longer pool and move forward along the right side of it. As you approach the doorway, a third guy carrying a flamethrower appears in the room on the left, near the rusty barrels, and comes toward you.
 If you pull out the Uzis or M16 and back into the smaller doorway on the right, you can see him coming and shoot him before he reaches you. (The orange arrow shows his path.) If he does manage to sets Lara on fire, hop into the pool.
[Part 1 | Return to the Fool's Gold Walkthrough]
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