Climb the snowy rocks in the far left corner. At the top, turn right and walk along the ledge toward the rusted metal support beam.
 When you reach the highest block, step to the edge and take a standing jump down to the beam, where you'll find some flares. Ready a decent weapon, then cross the beam to the central structure.
 Turn right and shoot the 2 thugs with shotguns who emerge from behind the wooden crates.
 Find the 3 movable crates near the back. They're arranged in an L shape along with a fourth stationary crate. Grab the second crate in the group (it's outlined in the screenshot above).
 Pull it once away from the edge.
 Climb over it and drop down into the space you just made
 Turn left and push the next crate to reveal a grenade and 2 sets of Uzi clips underneath.
 Climb back on top of the crates but don't hop down yet or you'll be cornered by 2 vicious dogs. Shoot them from above. Then hop down and continue on your way. There's nothing under the third crate.
[Part 2 | Return to the Fool's Gold Walkthrough]
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