The following walkthrough was created by Eldin to help other gamers who might be having trouble beating the Anniversary time trials.
Before you start, be sure to review the General Time Trial Tips & Strategy if you haven't done so already. You can also find the regular walkthrough for this level here.
Time Limit: 13:20 Our main goal at the moment is to push two wooden crates off the ledge. Ignore everything for now, go to the right side of this room and start searching for crates. When you are using the grapple, try not to swing back and forth more than once. If possible, swing and jump on the first try. Do the same when Lara is on the horizontal pole, as soon and she grabs it press the Jump button again and again to leap off without swinging all the way around. Make sure to "Fast Traverse" (i.e., tap Action in time with Lara's movements) while she is climbing along horizontal ledges. After you've pushed both wooden crates down, jump from the upper level into the pool where the crocodiles are. Swim to the edge and climb out near one of the crates. (Always tap Action while swimming to go faster.) Now push the crate into the pool with the crocodiles. Again, use "Swan Dive Jumps" to quickly cover the ground between here and the next crate. If you want you can pick up the Large Medpack here, since it's in your way anyway. Maybe you will need it for the boss battle. Once the crates are down in the water, lower the water level and kill the crocodiles quickly using your best weapon. Now there is a small shortcut here: As you can see this picture, go to the right corner and jump and as soon as Lara starts to slide jump again. Don't forget to move the small wooden raft into the place where it is supposed to be so it will float up when you raise the water level. After that it is time to climb back up. The best way is to climb the wooden ladders. Make sure to tap Action to climb faster while on the ladders. Once you've raised the water on the upper level it is time to head for the final part of this level. Make sure to swim faster in the water and turn the "Infinite Breath" cheat on as well as cheats for the weapons. There is no need to look for anything here. With the "Infinite Breath" cheat on, you can swim underwater directly to the cave where the switch for Tihocan's Tomb is. Again, tap Interact to swim faster. You can "Swan Dive Jump" before entering the tomb in order to cover more ground. Now, take a breath and relax when cutscene is on, because now it is time to fight the Centaurs. Relax, focus and think positive. If you've been doing the time trials in order, the best weapon to use here is the Dual 50 Caliber Pistols, and you should have unlocked the cheat for infinite 50-caliber ammo. Turn it on. You know the strategy here. Just stay focused, use a medpack or two if necessary, and don't let the centaurs turn Lara into stone because that way you will lose time. Time trial completed! |
Time trial walkthroughs copyright © 2012 Eldin Mostic. Stella's Tomb Raider Site copyright © Stellalune (). All rights reserved. The TRA screenshots included here were made using Fraps. Feel free to copy or print this walkthrough for personal use. By all means, share it with friends, but please include this credit line so people can send me their feedback. No part of this walkthrough may be reproduced on another site without permission. Follow this link for details about this site's advertising and privacy policy. .