After moving the cage out of the building and up against the base of the vertical pole, as shown above, climb onto the cage, jump to the base of the pole and jump again to grab the pole.
 Climb to the top of the pole and jump to grab the jutting section of the ledge to the left (as indicated by the leftmost arrow in the screenshot above). Pull up and shoot the 2 bats that attack Lara.
If you're unfamiliar with the controls, the jump from the pole to the ledge can be a little challenging. Try pointing the camera toward where you want Lara to grab. Then press Forward + Jump. Alternatively, jump and grab the narrow part of the ledge against the wall, then traverse to the left to where the ledge widens (as the arrows on the right indicate) and pull up. The bats appear as soon as Lara touches the ledge, however, so make sure you traverse and pull up as quickly as you can.
 Jump to grab the horizontal bar. Swing around, jump and grab the ledge ahead. Pull up near CHECKPOINT 6 and turn left.
 Use the metal ring above to grapple-swing across the gap to the narrow handhold on the far wall.
 Climb to the left then jump to grab the nearest horizontal bar. Swing, jump and grab the next bar. Then swing and jump to land on the ledge next to the small pool feeding the waterfall. Another pair of bats attacks, though they may get stuck under the ledge. You should be able to draw them out by walking to the opposite edge. Pick up ARTIFACT #1, which is circled in the screenshot above. (The main walkthrough covers getting back down.)
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