After you have provoked and avoided the petrification attack, keep shooting at either centaur until it becomes enraged. (Notice how the rage meter—the lower of the two bars at the top right corner of the screenshot above—is at maximum and begins to flash red.)
 At this point the centaur will pause where it's standing, rear up on its hind legs to roar, as shown above, and then charge at Lara.
 Now you must use the adrenaline dodge: Stop shooting but maintain a target lock. (This is automatic if you are using Advanced Toggle combat mode; otherwise, press and hold the Target Lock button.) Then, as the enemy bears down on Lara and the screen blurs, as shown above, keep moving to the left, right or backward by holding the appropriate direction key or pressing on the control stick. Then then press Crouch to dodge.
 If the dodge is successful, you'll see two gray targeting reticles converge on the centaur. If necessary, move the camera to keep the centaur in your sights so you can see this happening.
 Wait until the reticles overlap and turn red and then fire.
NOTE: The adrenaline dodge maneuver is also covered in detail on the Anniversary Controls page and in the centaur and headshot tutorial videos.
 The centaur will be momentarily stunned and will slump over, revealing the back of its shield. Quickly holster your weapons and press Grapple then Interact to grab the ring on the back of the shield and pull, flinging the shield onto the ground.
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