After using the grapple to pull down the stone column, forming a bridge across the gap, cross the bridge and climb onto the ledge on the right.
 Pull the first metal box as far as it will go. You may have to ease it out gradually to keep it from sliding back. Hang from the edge so Lara's back is toward the open room. Climb to the right and jump past the gap in the ledge to grab on the other side. Climb around to the right and drop down near a small medipack. Return the way you came to the end of the fallen column between the two metal boxes.
 Climb up on the left side this time and push the second metal box as far as it will go.
 Climb back over to the first box and get on top of it. Jump to grab the handhold above the second box. Climb around to the left as far as you can go.
 Drop to grab the lower handhold. After moving the second box, Lara should be able to brace her feet against it. She can then jump to grab the next small ledge on the left. Climb to the right (toward the wall) and around the corner. Then drop down in an alcove with another small medipack.
 Dangle from the edge of this alcove and drop to grab the handhold below. Climb around to the right and drop onto the ledge. Carefully slide down the little slope into the doorway.
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