From the broken tracks jutting out above the lava, take a running jump to the broken support column ahead on the left.
 Turn around and face back toward the entrance. See the shiny thing on the rock ledge below? Those are the 50-CALIBER PISTOLS. To get them, jump down onto the tiny piece of iron I-beam jutting out of the lava below. From there, jump to the ledge and take the guns.
 Now turn around and jump back to perch on top of the I-beam. From there, jump to grab the top of the metal grating on the side of the pedestal.
 Climb around to the right and jump back to grab the vertical metal pole behind you.
 Climb up as high as you can and then jump to the right to land on another I-beam sticking up from the lava. (It's probably easiest to point the camera toward the beam, as shown above, and then press Forward + Jump, rather than trying to jump sideways.) Jump from there to the handhold on the column ahead.
 Climb around to the left, jump up to grab the handhold above and then jump back to land on the support column behind you. This is CHECKPOINT 15.
If you don't mind cheating a little, you can get an extra ammo pickup here—at least in the PC version of the game. Save manually after reaching CHECKPOINT 15 and then reload. Turn around and you should see the 50-CALIBER PISTOLS still on the rock where they were before.
 Make your way back to that ledge following your previous path in reverse. The whole sequence is shown in the screenshot above. This time, when you pick up the guns, you actually only get ammo.
Return to the support column where CHECKPOINT 15 was using the same steps you did before, as shown in the third through sixth screenshots above. (Special thanks to Dan L. for this useful bug.)
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