This sequence is also shown in the relic video.
Before attempting this, please see the important note about saving and the nearby checkpoints in the main walkthrough.
 Swim to the inflatable dinghy and climb on board. Shoot the rope anchoring the boat to the shore. Then take a relaxing ride across the pool.
 As you float along, face in the direction you're moving. Then, when the dinghy approaches the metal handholds on the left wall, hop up onto the motor and jump to grab the first handhold. Climb to the right and jump to the next handhold. Jump up to the one above.
 Jump back to grab the handhold on the opposite cave wall.
 Climb all the way around the corner to the right until you can't go any farther. Then jump to grab the next handhold. Climb all the way to the right and drop onto the ledge below. This is the raised cave with the "Natla Technologies" crates that you couldn't reach from below. Go behind the nearest crate to find ARTIFACT #2.
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