Begin by jumping down onto the nearest normal spike (#1 in the screenshot above), just below and to the left. From there, jump to the normal spike above on the right (#2). (This one is between two of the switch spikes.) Turn left and jump up to the switch spike above (#3). Quickly jump back down to the previous normal spike (#2). (At this point, it's easier to just press Forward + Jump to get there, then Back + Jump to get back, rather than swinging the camera all the way around to aim.)
 From there (#2), jump down to the nearest switch spike (#4), below and a bit nearer to the pyramid door. Again, jump back to the previous spike (#2) right away before the spike retracts.
 From atop this spike (#2), turn to face the alcove high in the middle of the slope. Jump to the next normal spike ahead and a little to the right (#5). Turn left and jump onto the spike above (#6). Turn right and jump to the switch spike (#7) and then quickly jump to the normal spike beyond it (#8). From there, jump into the alcove. (Alternatively, you can jump from this switch spike to the normal spike below on the right, as indicated by the green arrow. However, this is a long jump and if you hesitate before jumping, Lara may not make it. Continuing to the alcove takes a little longer but it's easier.)
 Move to the left edge of the alcove, facing out over the open area below. Jump down to the nearest spike below on the left (#9). Turn left and jump to the next spike (#10).
 From there, jump down to the switch spike ahead on the right (#11). Then immediately jump to the normal spike above and to the left (#12).
 If you already tripped two switch spikes getting the artifact, this should be the sixth, and all of the door glyphs should now have been activated. Turn around on this spike (#12) and jump back to the spikes you jumped across earlier (#10 and #9) to get back to the alcove.
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