Begin by jumping off the stone ledge onto the nearest normal spike (i.e., one that's not a switch), just below and to the left (#1 in the screenshot above). From there, jump to the normal spike above on the right (#2). (This one is between two of the switch spikes.) Ignore the switch spikes for now.
 Turn to the right and jump to the next normal spike (#3) just ahead and a little bit higher on the slope. (There's another spike on the right that's a little closer, but it's too high to reach.) From there, work your way across the side of the pyramid by jumping to the spike ahead and a little lower on the slope (#4), then to the next spike ahead and a little higher (#5).
 From here, jump to the switch spike (#6) just ahead at the same level on the slope.
 After the brief cut scene, tap Interact to balance and then quickly jump to the nearest normal spike (#7), just ahead and a little lower down the slope. Lara should still be facing more or less in the same direction—toward the far wall of the cavern.
 Jump to the next normal spike (#8), which is just a little lower on the slope, below one of the switch spikes. Turn just a little to the left (uphill) and jump forward to perch on the normal spike (#9) between the two switch spikes. Turn to look down the slope. Now the cave wall is on your left and you have a clear view of the artifact on the ledge ahead. To reach it, jump onto the switch spike below (#10) and then immediately jump forward to grab the corner of the narrow, horizontal ledge below the artifact.
This can be tricky. As soon as Lara lands on the switch spike, you have to press Interact to get her footing back, point the camera toward the corner ledge, and then immediately jump forward to grab it before the spike retracts too far. If you miss the grab, save the game, reload and try the whole thing again.
NOTE: If you're having an especially difficult time with this sequence, there may be an easier way. This ALTERNATE METHOD is covered in a footnote at the end of the main walkthrough.
 Once you've managed to grab the ledge, climb around to the right as far as you can and jump to the flat ledge on the right. Then climb to the top of the rock formation to get ARTIFACT #4.
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