As Lara starts to slide, jump again to grab the end of the protruding ledge ahead, which begins to retract.
 Quickly pull up, turn left and take a running jump to grab the next protruding ledge. This one also starts to move back into the wall, so pull up, turn left and take a running jump to grab the top of the spiked pillar ahead. Now you can take your time again.
 Climb to the left all the way around to the back of the pillar.
 Position Lara as close to the left edge as she'll go. Jump back to grab the narrow horizontal shelf on the pillar behind.
 As it starts to sink, quickly jump up to grab the top of that pillar and then pull up.
 Turn right and take a running jump to land in the alcove with the pedestal holding the FIRST LEAD BAR.
[Part 1 | Return to the Midas's Palace Walkthrough]
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