This video walkthrough shows both this shortcut and the round-about route to the relic.
 First go the top of the stairs and pull the lever to extend the columns. Then return downstairs and pull/push the wooden crate out of the stairwell and into the big room. Position it against the base of the angled column nearest the alcove containing the RELIC, as shown above. Later, when the column descends, the notch in its corner will catch on the crate, preventing the column from descending all the way.
 Return upstairs to the alcove with the lever and take a running jump to land on the right side of the first flat-topped pillar. It starts to descend immediately, so turn left and take a running jump to grab the top edge of the spiked pillar.
 Do not try and pull up. Instead, climb around to the other side of the pillar and on to the right as far as you can. There's no need to hurry since the spiked pillar won't start sinking yet. Jump back to land on the sloping pillar near the wall.
 Slide just a little and jump . . .
 . . . to grab the protruding ledge. It begins to retract as soon as Lara grabs it, so quickly pull up.
 Turn right and take a running jump to grab the spiked pillar ahead. Lara may grab the top of the pillar but if she misses and grabs the horizontal crevice partway down, just jump up to grab the top.
 While hanging from the spiked pillar you can take your time. It won't retract yet. Climb to the right around one corner then the next. Do not go all the way to the next corner. Instead, position Lara near the left side of the pillar and jump back . . .
[Part 2 | Return to the Midas's Palace Walkthrough]
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