Take a running jump from the pressure pad to the first round pillar. Veer to the right a bit as you keep running across the top of the pillar. Jump at the edge to land on the first tower.
 Do not wait for the lit burners to move off. If Lara has to run through the flames, hopefully you'll have enough extra health packs to take care of her. Run to the left across the base of the tower and jump to the second squat, round pillar.
 Run across the top of it to grab the pillar with the metal bars and flame jets. Climb around to the left (tapping Interact to go faster) until you reach the back, where there are no flame jets above.
 Don't climb all the way to the left, just far enough to clear the metal bar above. Jump up four times to reach the top of the pillar.
 Turn left and take a running jump down to the base of the tower with the ring of burners.
 Run around to the left and press Interact to grab RELIC #2 from its niche before the tower retracts.
[Part 1 | Return to the Midas's Palace Walkthrough]
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