Repeat the same process described previously above to get from mat #3, to the corner ledge, to the second metal handhold, as shown in the first two screenshots on this page.
 This time, instead of dropping to the metal handhold below, jump back to grab the horizontal bar behind.
 Lara should now be facing out into the room and directly toward the L-shaped metal bar you moved using the third button. Swing around and jump to grab that bar.
 Adjust Lara's position left to right if necessary and then swing, jump and grab the blue padded column ahead.
 Climb up as high as you can and then jump to grab the second blue padded column, which is off to the left. (You can either keep the camera behind Lara and jump to the left, or turn her on the first column so she's facing the second column, move the camera behind her and then jump forward to grab the second column.) Climb up as far as you can and then jump to the nearest perching pedestal. From there, jump to the next pedestal.
 Then jump to the metal platform ahead. Pick up the WRENCH (circled in the screenshot above). To get down, take a running jump to grab the green handholds on the stone column just to the right of the empty pool. Climb down and drop to the floor.
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