Push the movable block across the walkway to the other side of the room and position it against the right side of the ledge. Climb on top of the block and jump to grab the lower handhold on the wall ahead. Jump up to the higher one.
 Jump back to grab the edge of the retracting ledge behind.
 It immediately starts to slide into the wall, leaving a gap between the two sections that jut farther into the room. So pull up, run along the first section, jump to the second section and almost immediately jump to grab the scarab switch on the wall ahead.
 Quickly jump to the handhold above and take a few deep breaths. When you're ready to move on, jump to grab the scarab switch to the right and quickly jump to the handhold above. Once Lara is hanging from the handhold above the second switch, climb to the left as far as you can, then jump to the next handhold.
The rest of this sequence is not pictured, but it's pretty simple. Climb in toward the corner and jump back to grab the horizontal pole. Swing around, jump to grab the windowsill ahead and pull up.
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