Face the scarab switch on the wall and take a running jump to grab it. Quickly jump up to grab the handhold above before the switch sinks too low. Climb to the right and jump to grab the ledge beyond.
 This ledge starts to retract into the wall as soon as Lara grabs it. So quickly pull up onto it (it may help to tap the HUD key in order to center the camera behind Lara first) and run to the right along the part of the ledge that juts out over the pool. (As with the other method, taking running jumps as you go may be helpful because the ledge then retracts more slowly, but don't bother if it makes it harder to control Lara.)
 Jump at the edge to land on or grab the edge of the opposite ledge, which is retracting in the other direction. Pull up, run forward and jump to grab the handhold straight ahead. Now you can take your time for the next couple of moves. Climb to the left and jump to grab the handhold near the corner.
 Wait for the ledges to extend fully. Then jump back onto the long rectangular ledge behind.
 This ledge starts to retract, so quickly move the camera behind Lara and run along next to the wall and jump near the end of the ledge to grab the scarab switch on the wall beyond.
 Immediately jump up to grab the handhold above before the switch descends. Now you can take your time as you climb to the right.
 Then jump to grab the doorsill ahead and pull up.
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