The following sequence is also shown in a video walkthrough.
 Move one of the blocks next to the painted column just to the right of the exit doors. Climb on the block and grab onto the rough horizontal crack in the column. Jump up to grab the crack above and climb all the way around to the other side of the column.
 Jump back to grab the narrow stone ledge on the wall behind.
 Climb to the right and jump to grab the horizontal crack in the next painted column. Climb around to the right so Lara's back is facing out toward the middle of the room.
 Jump up to grab the crack above and then jump back to perch on the nearest small obelisk.
 Hop across the tops of the other three obelisks.
 Jump from the fourth obelisk to grab a crack in the painted column ahead.
 Climb around to the right, drop down to the crack below and climb to the right again until you can pull up into the doorway of the well-lit room above. Here you'll find RELIC #1, the Mummified Cat, and a large medipack.
NOTE: In the Wii game the doorway to the relic room is blocked by a crumbling stone wall. Use the pickaxe to smash it so you can enter and get the relic.
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