From the top step, where you got the medipack, take a running jump and grapple the metal ring high on the wall with the barred window. Lengthen the cable if necessary so Lara is hanging about halfway between the barred window and the ground. Then wall run back and forth to build up a good, long arc.
 You want Lara to nearly touch the wall at the left end of the run (as shown above). If she's not going that far, lengthen the cable a little and try again.
 When Lara runs all the way to the left corners, jump back to grab the handhold on the wall behind and to the left.
 If you're having trouble with the wall run, instead grapple the ring, shorten the cable so Lara's feet are just above the bottom of the barred window (as shown above) and then press Jump to land on the vertical post behind her. Turn so the barred window is on Lara's right, jump to the next post and from there to the handhold on the wall.
 Climb along the handhold to the left. Tap interact to make Lara climb faster as you pass the crumbling section; otherwise she'll fall.
 Climb as far to the left as you can and then jump to the left to grab the bar sticking out of the scarab's wing.
 Lara's weight pulls it down, activating the mechanism, which opens the trapdoor in the floor, dumping a huge pile of sand into the ROOM WITH TWO RAISED OPENINGS below.
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