Stand on the left bank of the lava stream, looking downstream over the falls. Turn right and take a running jump across the lava pool far below to grab the ladder carved into the wall ahead.
 Fireballs periodically fall from above, but as long as Lara is hanging onto the ladder and not leaning outward, they won't touch her. Climb to the top and jump to grab the edge of the steam vent to the left. Stay as far to the right as possible to avoid the steam. Now watch the hole above on the right. When it stops belching fire, quickly jump up to grab the ledge above and move to the right just a bit to avoid the next puff of fire. Position Lara just below the left edge of the steam vent above and jump up to grab it. Then jump to the left to grab the handhold above the glowing glyph.
 Now you can take your time. Climb all the way to the left along this handhold and then jump across the gap to grab the ledge on the other side.
 Traverse to the left a little and look down. Before dropping to grab the ledge below, make sure that Lara is at the middle of this ledge, not the left or right edges. There's a notch broken out of the right side of the ledge below. So if she drops there, she won't be able to grab. If she's too far to the left, she'll hit the lava falls. When you drop and grab the ledge below, immediately press Interact to perform a saving grab. Then pull up and take the large medipack.
 Drop and hang from the middle of this ledge—not the right where the notch is—and look down. Again, you want to position Lara at the middle of the ledge in order to drop and grab the ledge below.
 From there, jump back to grab one of the handholds on the square column beyond the double lava falls. Take care not to jump too close to the falls. The middle of this small ledge is a good take-off point. Climb around the corner to the right and drop down twice to reach the ledge below.
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