NOTE: If you're playing the Nintendo Wii game, you can take a shortcut here. Instead of hopping across the stepping stones, as shown below, simply climb over the rocks into the area behind the lava falls, as shown in this screenshot.
 To reach the artifact, jump to the first island, then the second, then to the handhold on the wall ahead. You must move quickly so Lara isn't standing on the stepping stones when they sink into the pool of lava.
 Once Lara is hanging from the lower handhold, jump straight up to grab the one above. Position her near the middle of the handhold and lean back so the camera shifts to show the stepping stones behind her. Jump back over the nearest stone to land on the one beyond it. Then quickly run and jump into the little cave behind the falls.
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 If you're proficient with the controls, you can skip the handholds and jump directly across the stepping stones to the ledge behind the lava falls. When you reach the second stone, turn right. . .
 . . . and quickly jump onto a rock that you previously couldn't see because it was hidden behind the falls. From there, jump into the cave behind the falls.
 Once Lara is inside the little cave, turn left to find ARTIFACT #3. Pick it up and return to the opening next to the falls.
 By now, the stepping stones should have risen out of the lava pool, and you can jump across the nearest two to get back to the handholds.
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