This sequence is also shown in a video.
Return to the area above and to the right of the exit doors, following the same path you did before (i.e., up the handholds to the left of the doors, along the corridor, across the three horizontal poles, then to the end of the next corridor).
 Climb the handholds on the left, as shown in the screenshot above. Move the camera directly behind Lara and jump back to grab the horizontal pole.
 Don't wait for Lara to swing around the pole. Just keep holding the Down key and immediately press Jump to leap off the pole before it swings all the way to the side. If you time it right, Lara will grab onto the narrow stone ledge on the wall to the left of the counterweight. If you miss, just climb back up the handholds and try again.
 Once Lara is hanging onto the narrow ledge, traverse to the left as far as you can and jump to grab the horizontal pole sticking out above the big doors. (Note that you cannot do this before the doors are opened because the poles are not extended.)
 Move the camera behind Lara and check to make sure she is squarely facing the small stone handhold on the wall ahead. Climb laterally along the bar if necessary to make sure she is. This is important because the right side of that narrow stone ledge is broken off so she won't be able to grab there. Swing around and jump to grab the handhold.
 Jump straight up to grab the handhold above. Move to the right a bit and jump to grab the higher horizontal pole behind.
 Swing, jump and grab the handhold on the opposite wall. Then jump straight up to grab the top of the ledge. Pull up to find RELIC #1, the Killer Whale Bottle. (The main walkthrough covers getting back down.)
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