Start to slide down the slope. About halfway down, press Jump then Grapple to leap off the slope and snag the metal ring on the ceiling with your grappling hook.
If you don't manage to grapple in time and Lara slides down the ramp, shoot the 2 bats that fly toward you and then climb back up to the entrance using the rocks to the right of the ramp (as shown in this other set of screenshots) and try again.
When you have grappled the ring successfully and Lara is dangling from the cable, hold Interact and press Up to climb up the cable a bit. If necessary, adjust the direction Lara is facing by tapping the Left/Right direction keys. Swing back and forth until Lara is level with the handhold on the wall ahead. When you get enough momentum going, swing toward the handhold and jump to grab it.
 Climb to the left and jump straight up to grab the next handhold. (You can also grapple-swing directly to the higher handhold but that's a little trickier for beginners.) Climb to the middle of this ledge.
 Then jump back to grab the ledge behind you on the fat column in the middle of the cave.
 Climb to the right, drop down once, climb around the corner and continue to the right as far as you can go.
 Jump back to grab the edge of the ledge behind. Pull up and take ARTIFACT #2.
 To get down, carefully move to the point of the ledge. If you shift the camera outward, you can see a light-colored handhold below. Step off here and grab the edge. Drop once more to grab the handhold. Then drop to the ground. Immediately draw pistols to kill the 2 bats that flutter down from the ceiling.
[Return to the Mountain Caves Walkthrough]
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