Now head south along the western side of the forest. There are several pickups in this area. First, some arrows leaning against the rock with the deer carcass, near where you killed the first enemy.
A bit farther south you'll come to a fallen tree. There are more arrows leaning against a nearby.
Head around the huge, hollow tree stump to the right, toward the stream bank, and you'll find another mushroom (6/10) for the Red Cap challenge. (Check the area map or use Survival Instinct if you're having trouble finding it.)
Then look up and to the south to spot a salvage net hanging from a wooden platform. Shoot it with a fire arrow to get the salvage inside.
Return up the slope to the fallen tree.
Walk along it to the end, jump forward, and latch onto the climbing wall with your axe.
Climb to the ledge above.
Turn around so the rock wall is on Lara's left and take a running jump to the wooden platform ahead.
Take the arrows if you have room for them. Then climb the rope line to the next platform.
Here you'll find more arrows and a relic (2/3), a Jade Ceremonial Dagger.
[Part 2 | Return to the Summit Forest Walkthrough]
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