Climb the wooden ledges...
...and head to the left.
As you round the corner, an explosion destroys the wooden stairs leading up to the next level.
Jump across the gap. Lara attempts to grab the far side of the broken stairs and instead swings forward and crashes through the flimsy wall onto an exterior ledge.
Run around to the left.
Keep running and jump at the edge to grab the horizontal pole...
...which swings around...
...and deposits Lara on the other side of the gap. Pull up onto the ledge and continue forward and around to the left.
Take a running jump off the edge and press Interact to sink your axe into the climbing wall ahead.
As you climb toward the top of the wall, an explosion rocks the tower. Wait for it to pass and continue climbing into the opening above.
[Part 2 | Return to the Fortress Tower Walkthrough]
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