The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video.
 The RELIC is located on a high ledge behind one of the waterfalls—the one nearest to the metal ring mounted on the pole between two of the serpent pillars on the left side of the room when facing the entrance.
Remember those glowing carved symbols you passed on the way through this room? There's another one on the outer part of door frame on the right side of the exit. Activating all four of them stops the flow of that waterfall, enabling you to get to the relic. The trick is that each symbol only stays "on" for a little while, so you have to hurry to activate all four and get to the relic before the water starts flowing again. Here's how to do it:
 Go to the first symbol, on the outside of the door frame to the right of the exit.
 Press Interact to activate it. You'll know it's "on" when it glows blue and emits a resonant sound.
 As soon as you regain control of Lara, turn right and sprint across the ledge toward the part where it juts out over the pool. As you near the edge, slow to a normal run and veer to the left. Then take a running jump toward the support pillar on which the second symbol is carved.
 If you angle the jump correctly, Lara will smack into the pillar and slide down to the little island. She'll lose a little health in the process, but she'll end up standing right in front of the second symbol.
 Activate it quickly by pressing Interact.
 Turn right and take a running jump to the next island. Be sure to jump off where the first island comes to a little point and hold the Jump key to keep Lara in the air. Otherwise, she might end up in the pool. Run forward and jump to grab onto the vertical column. Climb to the top, pressing Interact in time with Lara's movements to make her climb faster.
 Once Lara is standing on top of the column, turn to face the tilted platform and jump toward it.
 When Lara hauls herself up, turn to face the next column, which juts up out of the water just beyond the tilted platform. Without running forward, jump forward to clear the remainder of the ledge and land on top of the column. (Or, if that doesn't work for you, try the alternate move below.)
 Pivot slightly to the left and jump to grab the top of the low wall.
 Alternate: If jumping from the back of the tilted platform to the column is problematic, instead move to the far edge of the ledge and jump past the column to land on top of the low wall beyond the column. This can be a little tricky also. You need to angle the jump correctly so Lara doesn't overshoot the wall. Once she's standing on top of it, step back to drop and hang from it.
 Once Lara is hanging from the low wall, climb to the right, again tapping Interact as you go to make Lara climb faster. When you reach the end of the wall, lean back and jump to land on the broken column sticking out of the water. Pivot to face the ledge below the entrance and jump forward to land there.
[Part 2 | Return to the Yggdrasil Walkthrough]
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