One treasure (18/50) is tucked into an alcove below where the sniper-poacher was standing (i.e., to the left of the stairs leading up to the temple). After picking up secret #18, you may want to grab the gold-bound wooden pole leaning against the wall to the right of the stairs. (It's not shown above, but the arrow points toward it.) You'll need the pole to get the next treasure, shown below.
 This treasure (19/50) is located on top of one of the square pillars on the right side of the terrace at the top of the stairs.
 Just plug the pole into the hole on the side of the pillar, as shown above, and use it to reach the jar.
 There's another treasure (20/50) on this side of the terrace near the edge of the ledge overlooking the area below.
 One more treasure (21/50) can be found in the opposite corner of the terrace, on the far left when facing the temple. The screenshot above shows the general location.
 And, again, treasure #21 close up.
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