You'll find the first treasure (11/50) in one of the clay jars on the right side of the stairs. It's circled in the screenshot above.
 The next jar containing a treasure (12/50) is at the bottom of the stairs on the right.
Now head to the right and work your way around the perimeter of the court, breaking pottery and picking up three more goodies as you go:
 One treasure (13/50) in the corner just ahead. The arrow above shows the general vicinity. The same treasure is shown in close-up below.
 Again, treasure #13.
 Another treasure (14/50) in bushes near the next corner. The screen above shows the area, and the close-up is below.
 Again, treasure #14.
 One more treasure (15/50) is located on the far side of the court just below and to the right of the high balcony. Once more, a long shot here and a close-up below.
 Again, treasure #15.
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