To reach the opening above, begin by grabbing onto the longer broken column in the corner to the right of the altar. Climb up to perch on top of it. Jump to grab the corner handhold on the square support pillar ahead.
 Jump straight up to grab the smaller handhold above and climb to the left. Jump to the left to grab the next handhold.
 Traverse past the gap in the ledge all the way to the end. Drop down to grab the handhold below and climb around the corner to the left.
 The confined space here makes the camera a little hard to control, but if you move it so you're looking down on Lara from above her right shoulder (as in the screen above), you'll be able to see where to go. First drop to grab the nubby stone handholds directly below. Then climb up and around the corner to the left. Continue diagonally upward and to the left until you can't go any farther. Then jump straight up to grab the handholds above. Then continue climbing around the next corner to the left.
 Climb along the rough handholds to the left until you run out of rocks to hang onto and can't go any farther. (Lara is hanging in that spot in the screenshot above.) Jump to the left to reach the next set of handholds (just below and to the right of a carved stone orb resembling an eye). Climb down the rough wall continue climbing to the left.
 These handholds take you all the way around to the front of this wall, so Lara's back is now facing the middle of the room.
 Climb to the left as far as you can go and jump to the left to grab the broken column extending from the ceiling.
 Move the camera behind Lara so it's pointing toward the big support pillar with the rough stone handholds (i.e., the support to the right of the ledge where you found the treasure earlier). Jump to grab those rough handholds and climb upward.
 At the top of this section of rough wall, make sure you've climbed up and to the left as far as possible. Then jump straight up to grab the narrow stone ledge above. This ledge is slick with rain, so you'll need to use the saving grab to keep Lara from falling. Once she's got a firm grip, climb to the left.
 Then jump to the left to grab the next handhold. Again, use the saving grab to keep Lara from slipping. Traverse to the left until you can jump up to grab the ledge above, once more using the saving grab to hang on. Then pull up onto the floor of the room above. Whew! Good work.
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