The following sequence is also shown in this gameplay video, along with the subsequent timed run for the relic.
 Just ahead, between the stone ramp and the archway, there's a moveable block.
 Place it below the wooden pole sticking out of the wall, leaving some space between the block and the wall. Park the motorcycle beneath the pole, facing the stone ramps and archway, and leaving a gap between the wall and the bike, as shown above.
 Climb onto the block and jump over the bike to grab the pole. Lara's weight pulls it down, opening the huge stone door at the end of the hallway (#10 on the map on the main walkthrough page and also labeled in the screenshot above).
The door is on a timer. When you activate the mechanism, it begins to open, but it only stays open for a short while. To get there before it closes, you can't wait for the door to open all the way. As soon as the pole sinks to the bottom of the track in the wall, drop down and hop on the motorcycle. Race straight forward beneath the stone arch, up the ramp and over the rocks, then straight on through the door before it closes.
If you don't make it the first time, drive back to the block and pole, park the bike in position and try again.
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