The FIFTH SMALL ROOM contains no goodies, but there's a passage high on one wall that leads to another small room on this side of the MECHANICAL HAMMER ROOM, where there is a treasure that is unreachable from below. These screenshots show how to get there.
 First, grapple the metal ring high on the wall opposite the entrance.
 With the cable attached to the ring, take a running jump off the ledge so Lara ends up dangling above the pool.
 Climb the cable until Lara's feet are just below the rough horizontal band on the wall. Run back and forth, tracing out a long arc on the wall. When Lara is running as high as she can go, swing to the left and jump to grab the handhold on the left wall.
 Climb along this handhold to the left. Jump across the gap where the ledge is broken and then jump straight up to grab the edge of the rough opening above. Pull up into a small, dark tunnel.
Follow it to the end to emerge in another small room with a blue pool. This is the one labeled ROOM 6 on the map in the main walkthrough.
 The camera may bug out a bit at the tunnel opening. To keep Lara from falling into the pool, stay on the left side of the opening and move forward until she steps off and grabs the edge. Drop to grab the light-colored stone handhold below. Climb along it to the left and then jump to grab the higher handhold on the next wall.
 Do not drop down to the L-shaped handhold below. Instead, just climb to the left end of the higher handhold and then jump down to the ledge with the treasure (28/30) and pick it up.
 To get back up to the tunnel, take a running jump from the ledge where the treasure was to grab the L-shaped corner handhold.
 Jump straight up to grab the handhold above and climb in toward the corner as far as possible. Jump back, not to the right, to grab the handhold on the wall behind Lara to the right. (NOTE: If you're not sure how to do this, you can test the direction Lara will jump by pressing on the direction keys or left analog stick. Press the direction that makes Lara lean away from the wall and then jump in that direction.)
 Climb to the right and jump up to grab the tunnel opening. Pull up and return through the tunnel to the previous room.
 Again, move to the left side of the opening and step off the edge to hang above the poisoned pool. Drop to grab the handhold below. Climb to the left and jump to grab the handhold just beyond the corner of the room.
 Traverse to the left along this handhold until Lara is hanging above the doorway. Drop down.
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