From the doorway of the FOURTH SMALL ROOM, go to the end of the walkway, overlooking the abyss, and jump forward to land near the middle of the sloping pillar below.
 Slide but don't jump. At the end of the slope, Lara will drop onto the metal beam below. If she slips, she'll grab the beam; pull up. Walk to the other side of the beam and jump up to grab the handhold on the square column. Pull up to stand on it and sidestep around to the left (Lara's right) and then jump to the flat-topped column.
 Turn right and jump across the two small metal projections to grab onto the next column. Pull up and sidestep along the narrow ledge around the corner to the right. Now chimney jump between this column and the next to reach the walkway above.
 Once Lara grabs the edge of the walkway, quickly pull up and take care of the Viking thrall that drops down onto the right end of the walkway. If you hang too long below the ledge, the thrall will spit blue goo at Lara, making her lose her grip. If you pull up quickly and move so the thrall is between Lara and the edge, a well-placed kick (Interact) will send it into the pit. Otherwise shoot it down and stomp on its corpse as usual.
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