To get down from the temple without injury, hang from the windowsill and jump back to land on the beam jutting out from the tall, square pillar.
 Pull up onto the beam, equip the tranquilizer gun and if the panther is still lurking on the ground below, shoot a dart to put the big cat to sleep. Then hang from the beam and drop to the ground.
 Run toward the motorcycle but as you approach it, turn around to look at the temple. A second panther leaps down from the high window on the left. Quickly shoot it with another tranquilizer dart.
 You have about a minute from the time the drug takes effect to kill each cat before it wakes up. So you may want to start with the one you drugged first. Switch to pistols, go into Manual Aim mode, target the panther's prone body and fire. You'll know you're hitting it when you see spurting blood, as shown above. Keep firing until you hear a yowl and the blood stops. Then you can be sure the cat is dead. Repeat for the second panther.
NOTE: You can also use manual aim with grenades here, but I don't recommend it. You will need your grenades for tougher enemies later in the level.
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