First, run up the temple stairs into the hallway to trigger the checkpoint there. Then if Lara dies while you're attempting the shortcut, you won't have to fight the tigers again. Now follow the walkway away from the temple to the ledge overlooking the streambed.
 Turn right to face the waterfall flowing down over the huge, stone head into the stream below. From here you can see the treasure (9/30) in the little alcove high on the left wall. (It's circled in the screenshot above.) Now take a running jump down to the short stone beam protruding from the right wall.
- OR -
 If you're having trouble making that jump, you can also hang from the edge of the ledge, traverse around to the left. Drop down twice and climb along the top of the wall to reach the jutting beam.
 Walk to the end of the beam so Lara is facing the alcove with the treasure. Now comes the tricky part. Making this jump so Lara grabs the edge of the alcove without falling takes a little practice. It helps to point her toward the spot where she'll grab (shown in the screenshot below) and position the camera behind her, rather than above, even if the shrubbery growing out of the hillside obscures your view. Jump forward and hold the Jump button while Lara's in the air to go just a little farther.
 With practice and a little luck, she'll grab the alcove and you can pull up and take the treasure.
If you can't make the grab, you can always take the long route described in the main walkthrough.
Thanks to Casper for alerting me to this shortcut.
[Part 2 - return trip | Remnants Walkthrough]
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