After grapple-swinging across the gap, go straight ahead toward the dark area near the wall, where you'll find more breakable jars, one of which holds a treasure (25/26). Now go around to the other side of the rock pile. Pick up the health potion and then climb to the top of the rocks.
 Jump to grab the horizontal pole sticking out of the wall. Swing and jump to the next ledge. Go toward the corner, turn right and slide down the slope onto the ledge below. Drop and hang from the ledge so the KRAKEN POOL is now behind you.
 Traverse along the ledge above the entrance, jumping to the right to clear the gaps in the ledge. When you reach the end of the ledge, pull up.
 Break the light-colored jar and retrieve the final treasure of the level (26/26).
 Turn right and jump to the broken ledge ahead. Go forward and to the right and duck through the low opening.
 Inside on the left you'll find the only RELIC in the level.
 Exit the small, dark room the way you came. Cross the ledge to the right and jump back to the ledge where you found the last treasure (i.e., same as the fifth screenshot above only in reverse). Hang from the edge of the ledge and drop down to the doorway below.
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