From the ledge above the right side of the KRAKEN POOL, take a running jump to grab the leftmost of the three skinny, columns extending down from the ceiling. Climb up the column and turn to face the next column. Point the camera toward it and jump forward to grab it. Climb upward a bit and point the camera at the third column. Jump forward to grab it. Now climb down the third column just a little, so Lara is facing the handhold on the square column with the tentacle wrapped around it.
 Point the camera toward the handhold and jump forward to grab it.
 Traverse to the right along the flat ledge as far as you can. The next sequence can be difficult, so it helps to be as far to the right as possible before pulling up.
When you pull up onto the ledge, situational adrenaline kicks in: As the kraken lashes out with its tentacle, smashing the ledge on which Lara is standing, time slows and you have to run forward, jump and grab the horizontal pole ahead, swing around and jump to the metal ledge ahead.
NOTE: If you're playing the PC game with a keyboard and mouse, it may help to steer Lara with the keyboard controls here, rather than trying to run forward while pointing the mouse toward the pole. If you're having trouble completing the situational adrenaline sequence, try the "LOW ROUTE" described in the main walkthrough.
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