After exiting the JAGUAR HOUSE, go to the right and step up onto the low platform with four tall columns adorned with skeletons. (This ledge is on the left side of the LORDS OF XIBALBA STATUE ROOM if Lara's back is toward the entrance.) At the back of this low platform is a narrow alcove. Chimney jump up the sides of the alcove to grab the narrow stone ledge about halfway up on the right.
 Pull up to stand on this ledge and then jump across the alcove to grab the nubby stone handholds on the other side. Climb upward until Lara is hanging from the narrow, corner handhold.
 Climb around the corner, but don't go all the way to the left.
 Instead, jump to the right across the alcove to grab the rough handholds on the wall beyond. Climb down and to the right as far as you can and then jump past the area with no handholds to grab the perpendicular wall to the right (as indicated by the broken arrow in the screenshot above).
 Climb diagonally upward and to the right as far as possible.
 Then jump to the right to grab the skinny column and climb to the top.
 To reach the treasure (41/50) on the nearby ledge either cling to the top of the column, jump to grab the edge of the ledge and pull up, or perch on top of the column, turn toward the wall to the left of the treasure and then jump (as shown above). Lara will hit the wall and drop safely onto the ledge. If you perch on the column and jump straight toward the treasure, Lara will overshoot the ledge and fall.
[Part 2 | Return to the Midgard Serpent Walkthrough]
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