Observe the various flame jets in order to suss out the safe path to the key. Stand to the right of center facing the traps. When the first two flames, emanating from the gargoyle heads on the side walls, go out, run forward to the safe spot between the gargoyle on the floor and the right wall.
 Jump straight up to grab the pole above.
 If you are collecting treasures, then turn around so Lara is hanging facing the entrance, as shown in the shot above. (Otherwise, continue facing the key and skip the next two screenshots.)
 Jump up to stand on the pole and then jump forward to grab the next pole. Climb hand over hand to the right end of the second pole and then pull up to stand on it.
 Jump forward to grab the edge of the alcove with the treasure (36/50). When you have it, hang from the edge and drop to the floor. Then return past the first flame jet on the right to the first horizontal pole, as shown in the first screenshot above.
 Jump up to crouch on top of the pole. When the flame jet from the gargoyle on the floor goes out, quickly walk to the left end of the pole (as shown above). Lara will be safe from the flame here. Now watch the flame on the floor beneath the next pole. When it begins to subside, jump to grab the pole, climb to the right (i.e., away from the wall and the flame jet) and pull up onto the pole.
 Turn toward the wall. (Lara should stand up on the pole when you tap the direction key or press on the stick.) Wait for the flame below to go out. Then quickly walk along the pole until Lara is standing beneath the shorter pole above. Jump up to grab it.
 Turn toward the key, swing and jump to the next pole and then to the platform ahead. Take the FLAME HOUSE KEY.
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